Yong, Haiwang
Experimental Physical Chemistry; Theoretical Spectroscopy; Ultrafast X-ray/Electron Scattering; Ultrafast Molecular Spectroscopy; Chemical Dynamics; Chirality

Contact Information
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Office: Urey Hall Addn 3050B
Phone: 858-246-0817
Email: hyong@ucsd.edu
Web: https://sites.google.com/ucsd.edu/yong

Group: View group members
Accepting Rotation Students: Yes
2021 PhD, Chemistry, Brown University
2016 B.S., Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
2023-Present Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego
2021-2023 PostDoc, University of California, Irvine
Awards and Academic Honors
Young Editorial Board Member of Ultrafast Science
LCLS Young Investigator Award Finalist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Faraday Division Horizon Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry
Global Mobility Research Fellow, Brown University
Research Interests
Prof. Yong's lab studies ultrafast light-induced processes in molecules both experimentally and theoretically. Novel experimental techniques and theoretical approaches will be developed to track ultrafast quantum motions of nuclei and electrons in molecules to further our fundamental understanding of photochemical and photophysical processes.
Primary Research Area
Physical/Analytical Chemistry
Interdisciplinary interests
Physical Organic
Computational and Theoretical

Outreach Activities
I have acted as mentor for several students from underrepresented groups. In the classroom, I have always strived to create a learning environment that is inclusive to students of all educational, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Selected Publications   See https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5860-4259